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Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity Lifecycle Management

RapidIdentity Lifecycle is tailored for education to help institutions manage the complexity and scale associated with automating provisioning, deprovisioning, account changes, credential monitoring and access management for all users, including students, staff, partners, and vendors. Lifecycle’s intelligent security policy ensures seamless access to needed resources while maintaining productivity, whether managing student access to course materials or granting secure access to sensitive internal systems.

Privilege Access Management

With RapidIdentity’s Privileged Access Management, organizations gain robust control over sensitive accounts, minimizing security risks tied to elevated permissions. Automated workflows ensure that privileged access is granted only when necessary, reducing attack surfaces without sacrificing productivity. Real-time monitoring and detailed audit trails provide the transparency needed to meet compliance requirements and respond swiftly to potential threats.

Master Identity Data Quality Once and For All

Identity Mastery, the master data management feature of RapidIdentity, allows educational institutions to efficiently manage and synchronize identity data across multiple systems, campuses, and departments to ensure a faster ROI by streamlining processes, reducing manual effort, and delivering clean, consistent data throughout the institution. 


Complete Lifecycle Management for All Users

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The elements of true IAM for K-12 education

Today’s educational environments demand a holistic IAM strategy. With more digital resources than ever, IT teams at K-12 districts are overburdened without support from outdated systems.

The solution is true IAM purpose-built for schools. More than just synchronizing logins, this identify-first approach transforms data management, access governance, and user experience.

This eBook dives into the four key components of true IAM—and how your district can leverage the power of RapidIdentity to meet today’s K-12 challenges head-on.

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Escondido Union School District Case Study

This K-8 school district in Escondido, California, needed to move away from unsustainable, manual processes of managing student and staff digital identities.

Industry: K-8

Solutions: Lifecycle Management

RapidIdentity Lifecycle Management for fully automated user provisioning, secure data transmission, self-service IT functionality, customized views and enhanced security.

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Reach Out to Get Started

Provide internal and external users with secure access to the right resources. Get in touch with Identity Automation for a live demo of our identity lifecycle management solution, RapidIdentity.
